Northeast Women's Bible Studies
Northeast Women’s Bible Studies welcomes any woman who enjoys fellowship with other women, while learning more about the Bible.

About Us
Northeast Women's Bible Studies began in 1981 with a group of women from the northeastern suburbs of Cincinnati. We are dedicated to the truth and application of Scripture. We believe that God's Word is divinely inspired and "makes us wise unto salvation" and is "profitable for teaching, rebuke, correction and training in righteousness." (II Timothy 3:15-16).
Women from a variety of churches and parishes, those with no previous Bible study experience, and those who are skilled in Bible Study gather in various homes in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky to study God's Word.
Winter/Spring 2025 Schedule
Below is a copy of the flyer for the Bible studies which will be offered during the Winter/Spring 2025 session.
*After you decide which Bible study to attend, please complete the registration form and send it along with a check to the appropriate registrar no later than December 20, 2024. The flyer can be enlarged or printed by using the icons on the black bar.
Unfortunately, we do not have accommodations or personnel to offer
childcare during the Bible studies.
Questions or comments? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us - we would love to hear from you.